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July 23, 2024

10 Best Alternatives to ThoughtSpot in 2024

July 23, 2024
10 Best Alternatives to ThoughtSpot in 2024

Selecting the right business intelligence (BI) tool can significantly impact how your organization leverages data. While ThoughtSpot is a popular choice, it might not meet all your organization’s needs. If you’re looking for alternatives with enhanced features, a better user experience, and cost efficiency in 2024, you’re in the right place. Here, we’ll explore top software options that can serve as substitutes for ThoughtSpot.

Many users find ThoughtSpot limiting in terms of pricing and functionality. If your current BI tool isn’t meeting your business needs or innovation goals, it’s worth considering a different option.

This article will guide you through the best alternatives to ThoughtSpot. We’ll highlight ThoughtSpot’s weaknesses, advise on key features to look for in a BI tool, and provide an in-depth comparison of the top 10 alternatives, including Sigma, Power BI, and Tableau. By the end of this exploration, you’ll have a clear understanding of which tools can better enhance your organization’s operations.

Why consider an alternative?

ThoughtSpot has made its mark in data analytics, but it has its drawbacks, which might have you exploring other options.

  • Complexity: ThoughtSpot’s interface can be confusing. If you're new to it, expect a steep learning curve.
  • Cost: ThoughtSpot isn’t cheap. For small to medium-sized businesses, the cost can be a significant hurdle. Budgets are tight, and every dollar counts.
  • Customization: Sometimes, you need a tool that adapts to your unique business needs. Though powerful, ThoughtSpot can be rigid in this department.
  • Integration: While ThoughtSpot integrates with many tools, it might not cover everything you use. This can be a dealbreaker if seamless workflow is your goal.
  • Performance: Handling large datasets with ThoughtSpot can be slow. These slowdowns are not just frustrating—they can disrupt your entire operation.

These are just a few reasons why you might be considering a ThoughtSpot alternative.

What to look for in an alternative?

When choosing a data analytics tool, it's crucial to identify features that will genuinely impact your business. Here are key aspects to consider:

  • Ease of use: Your platform should be intuitive and accessible for everyone on your team, from beginners to experts.
  • Affordability: Budget matters. Look for a solution that balances features and cost, ensuring you get the best value for your money.
  • Customization: Every business is unique. Your analytics tool should adapt to your specific needs with custom dashboards, reports, and workflows.
  • Integration capabilities: Your new tool should integrate seamlessly with your existing software stack, whether it's CRM, ERP, or other data sources.
  • Performance and scalability: As your business grows, so will your data needs. Ensure the platform can handle increasing data volumes without compromising speed or efficiency.

By considering these factors, you'll choose a tool that not only meets your needs but also evolves with your business.

Best alternatives to ThoughtSpot

There are many options out there, but here are the top 10 alternatives to ThoughtSpot you should consider in 2024:

  • Sigma: Sigma offers a cloud-native analytics solution that's both powerful and user-friendly. With an intuitive interface and strong integration capabilities, it's a solid choice for businesses of all sizes.
  • Power BI: A well-known player in the analytics space, Power BI combines robust data visualization with a user-friendly interface. Its seamless integration with Microsoft products makes it a favorite among many businesses.
  • Tableau: Tableau is celebrated for its powerful data visualization capabilities. If you need in-depth, customizable dashboards and reports, Tableau is a great option.
  • Looker: Looker provides a data analytics platform that focuses on seamless integration with other tools. It's highly customizable and offers robust data modeling capabilities.
  • Qlik: Qlik's associative data model allows users to explore data freely and intuitively. It's a strong contender for those needing powerful, flexible data analysis tools.
  • Domo: Domo offers a comprehensive suite of business intelligence tools that are highly scalable and easy to use. It's particularly strong in providing real-time data and insights.
  • Sisense: Sisense excels in embedding analytics into other applications. It’s a good choice if you need an analytics tool that integrates deeply with your existing software ecosystem.
  • Metabase: Metabase is an open-source analytics tool that’s easy to deploy. It's a great option for smaller teams needing powerful, no-frills data analysis.
  • MicroStrategy: MicroStrategy offers robust enterprise analytics and mobility solutions. It's a top pick for businesses needing advanced analytics at scale.
  • AWS QuickSight: Amazon's QuickSight provides scalable, serverless business intelligence services. It's a solid option if you're already invested in the AWS ecosystem.

Sigma comparison

Sigma stands out among these alternatives for several reasons. It's not just about powerful analytics; it's about making those analytics accessible and actionable for everyone in your organization.

With Sigma you get the following:

  • Intuitive interface: Sigma’s user-friendly design ensures that both data experts and novices can easily create and interpret reports.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Sigma offers competitive pricing plans for businesses of all sizes, providing a robust set of features without the hefty price tag.
  • Extensive customization: Sigma lets you tailor dashboards, reports, and workflows to meet your specific needs.
  • Robust integrations: Sigma seamlessly integrates with a wide range of tools, ensuring smooth data flow across your entire tech stack.
  • Scalable performance: Sigma is built to efficiently handle large datasets and scale with your business, delivering consistent performance as your data needs grow.

Other vendors

While Sigma offers a comprehensive solution, it's essential to explore other alternatives to get the full picture. Here’s a closer look at some top competitors and their drawbacks:

Power BI

Power BI, a Microsoft product, is renowned for its strong data visualization and seamless integration with other Microsoft services.

  • Complex setup: Getting started with Power BI can be challenging, especially if you’re not familiar with the Microsoft ecosystem. The initial setup and configuration can be time-consuming and complex.
  • Frequent updates: Microsoft frequently updates Power BI, which can be disruptive. Users must constantly adapt to new features and changes, which can be time-consuming.
  • Data handling limitations: Although powerful, Power BI struggles with extremely large datasets. Performance can degrade significantly with very large data volumes.


Tableau is renowned for its powerful data visualization capabilities, making it a favorite among analysts.

  • High cost: Tableau’s pricing is on the higher end, which can be a significant barrier for smaller companies. The cost of licenses and additional features can add up quickly.
  • Steep learning curve: For new users, Tableau can be challenging to master. The platform requires a significant investment in training and time to fully leverage its capabilities.
  • Complex integration: Integrating Tableau with non-native tools and systems can be cumbersome. This lack of seamless integration can disrupt workflows and data consistency.


Looker, a Google Cloud product, excels in data modeling and integrates seamlessly with other Google services.

  • High cost: Looker is known for its high price point, which can be prohibitive for smaller businesses. The cost of implementation and maintenance adds to the overall expense.
  • Complex data modeling: While powerful, Looker’s data modeling requires a strong understanding of LookML, presenting a steep learning curve for users.
  • Limited visualization options: Compared to some competitors, Looker offers fewer visualization options, which can limit how users present and interpret their data.


Qlik offers a unique associative data model, allowing users to explore data freely and intuitively.

  • High costs: Qlik can be expensive, particularly if you need a full suite of features. The cost of licenses and additional modules can strain budgets.
  • Complex scripting language: Qlik uses a proprietary scripting language that can be challenging to learn, potentially slowing down the onboarding process.
  • Heavy resource usage: Qlik's applications can be resource-intensive, requiring significant computational power, which can lead to higher costs for infrastructure and maintenance.


Domo offers a cloud-based business intelligence platform that provides real-time data and insights.

  • Costly: Domo’s extensive feature set comes with a high price tag, which can be prohibitive for smaller organizations.
  • Data privacy concerns: As a cloud-based platform, Domo raises concerns about data privacy and security. Handling sensitive data may require additional safeguards.
  • Learning curve: Although Domo has a user-friendly interface, mastering its full range of features takes time. Users need to invest in training to fully leverage the platform.


Sisense is acclaimed for its ability to embed analytics into other applications, offering comprehensive business intelligence solutions.

  • Cost: Sisense can be quite expensive, especially with advanced features, posing a barrier for smaller businesses or those with limited budgets.
  • Complex deployment: Deploying Sisense can be complex and resource-intensive, requiring significant IT support, which can be challenging for businesses without dedicated IT teams.
  • Performance issues: Large datasets can slow down the platform, impacting overall efficiency and user experience.


Metabase is an open-source analytics tool that is easy to deploy and use, making it ideal for smaller teams.

  • Limited customization: Metabase doesn’t offer many advanced customization options, which can restrict the ability to tailor the tool to specific needs.
  • Integration gaps: Its integration capabilities are not as extensive as some other tools, limiting its effectiveness in diverse tech environments.
  • Security features: As an open-source tool, Metabase's security features may not be as robust as those offered by commercial products, posing concerns for enterprises handling sensitive data.


MicroStrategy delivers a powerful enterprise analytics platform with cutting-edge mobility solutions, empowering organizations to harness data insights on the go.

  • High cost: MicroStrategy is one of the most expensive options available, which can be a significant barrier for many businesses.
  • Complex interface: The platform can be challenging to navigate without extensive training, creating a steep learning curve that can hinder user adoption and productivity.
  • Rigid licensing structure: MicroStrategy’s licensing is rigid and complex, making it difficult for businesses to scale their usage cost-effectively.

AWS QuickSight

AWS QuickSight is a scalable, serverless business intelligence service that integrates seamlessly with the AWS ecosystem.

  • Complex setup: AWS QuickSight can be complex to set up and use, particularly for those unfamiliar with AWS. The learning curve can be steep.
  • Limited dashboard customization: QuickSight offers fewer customization options for dashboards compared to some competitors, which can restrict how users present their data.
  • Dependence on AWS ecosystem: While integration within the AWS ecosystem is robust, integrating with non-AWS tools can be challenging, limiting flexibility for businesses using diverse tech stacks.

Why Sigma is the best alternative

In the search for the perfect data analytics tool, Sigma emerges as the top alternative to ThoughtSpot. Sigma's user-friendly interface makes it accessible for all team members, significantly reducing the learning curve. Its flexible pricing ensures businesses of all sizes can leverage its powerful features without breaking the bank.

Customization with Sigma is effortless, allowing you to tailor dashboards and reports to your specific needs. Integration with various tools and systems is seamless, ensuring smooth data flow across your tech stack. Sigma's capability to handle large datasets efficiently means it can scale alongside your business, maintaining peak performance as you grow.

These strengths make Sigma the superior choice for those seeking a robust, versatile, and cost-effective data analytics solution.

See Sigma in action

Ready to see Sigma in action? Register for a demo today and discover how Sigma can transform your data analysis. Our team is here to help you customize the platform to meet your unique needs. Take the leap towards deeper data insights—sign up now and start your journey with Sigma!

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