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April 16, 2019

Share and Embed BI Dashboards with Sigma

April 16, 2019
Share and Embed BI Dashboards with Sigma

52% of employees can't access the data they need to perform their job. Sigma’s shareable and embeddable dashboards from can help.


  1. Insights Where You Want Them
  2. Embed Dashboards Privately to Keep Your Data Secure
  3. Embed Dashboards Publicly to Share Data Anywhere 

Data access continues to be a challenge for companies. Despite major investments in BI and analytics tools, 52% of employees report that they are unable to access the data they need to perform their job1. Those who do have access to data are often faced with stale dashboards or reports that are at least a week old. In today’s world, that simply isn’t good enough.

With Sigma, not only is your data always fresh, but it’s easy to share insights with those who need it. You can share your BI dashboards directly or embed visualizations wherever you need them—whether that’s in a private company portal, third-party application, or a public web page that’s available to anyone.

Read on to learn more about sharing your Sigma dashboards with coworkers, customers and partners, or visit our documentation for a step-by-step walkthrough.

1. Insights Where You Want Them

Once you’ve created a worksheet in Sigma and run your analysis, it’s easy to visualize your data in graphs, charts, or maps and create a BI dashboard to share with collaborators. You can also embed those dashboards in internal tools or public web pages using embed links. This makes it easy to get data in the hands of those who need it most.

A map of Chicago with a blue background.
Volta Charging embeds map charts of charging stations and usage activity in Notion—its internal wiki.

2. Embed Dashboards Privately to Keep Your Data Secure

To embed your private dashboard, simply append the URL with the embed tag to make it easy to display a dashboard on a screen or in an iframe. Private dashboards require users to log into Sigma to access the data.

A graph shows the performance of a company.
Embed Sigma dashboards in external apps like Salesforce to make insights more accessible to your team.

3. Embed Dashboards Publicly to Share Data Anywhere

Sigma Admins can quickly create a link to a public dashboard or an individual charts within that dashboard. Public links make it easy for anyone to access your data. Admins can share a link directly or embed the public dashboard in an iframe.

Learn more about embedding public and private dashboards by reading our how-to documentation.


1. Computing Curiosity Gap Study, Researchscape 2018