The Data Apps Conference
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Kenny Nguyen
Kenny Nguyen
Technical Program Manager
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May 12, 2023

Sigma is now available on all three major cloud providers!

May 12, 2023
Sigma is now available on all three major cloud providers!

We are thrilled to announce that Sigma’s services are now supported on all three major cloud platforms — Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, and Google Cloud Platform. This latest deployment of Azure completes the trifecta, marking a significant milestone for our organization and customers. Our commitment to supporting multiple cloud platforms means that our customers have the flexibility to choose the cloud provider that best suits their business needs.

We are excited to see the benefits this latest deployment will bring to our customers and look forward to continuing to innovate and provide the best possible service on all three cloud platforms.

A blue and white logo for Azure.

Benefits of deploying Sigma on the same cloud as the Data warehouse 

Sigma’s services can now be deployed on the same cloud platform as our customers’ data warehouses, allowing for faster and more secure (with Private Link) data processing. 


When our services and customer data are on the same cloud platform, queries are faster because the data has fewer hoops to jump through to reach the data warehouse running the queries. This reduces latency and results are generated faster. 


Private Link, an optional feature, guarantees that all traffic is on the cloud provider’s backbone network and is not exposed to the public internet.

Sigma’s Security Enhancements 

To enhance security, we have taken several measures, including the use of Azure private endpoints for our Azure Services, such as Kubernetes, MySQL, and Redis. This approach ensures that these services are not exposed to the public internet, which significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access. Additionally, we have implemented hardware-backed keys to encrypt customer data, which are more secure than software-backed keys. Lastly, we have incorporated Azure Workload Identities to strengthen our deployment further. These measures provide an extra layer of security that safeguards our system against potential threats, ensuring the protection of our customers' valuable data. 

Shout out to the whole Sigma Azure engineering team for their incredible diligence ensuring this cloud deployment project was successful!
To learn more about connecting Sigma to your data with Azure's Private Link, see Azure Private Link Connections.


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