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Zack Norton
Zack Norton
Technical Product Marketing Manager
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February 6, 2023

Thinking about Sigma? Here Are the Top 20 Questions We Get Every Day

February 6, 2023
Thinking about Sigma? Here Are the Top 20 Questions We Get Every Day

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Sigma is a modern, SaaS application built to make your data work for you. Capable of analyzing immense volumes of data while keeping compute costs low, Sigma ensures low cost per user in large scale deployments. Sigma will never hold or persist any of your data. Familiar spreadsheet-like interactions return results securely in browser while machine-generated SQL is executed against your cloud warehouse.We get a lot of questions about what makes Sigma unique and how it all works. Here are some of the top questions our go to market teams answer every day.

Where does Sigma sit in the modern data stack?

Sigma solves for the last data mile in the modern data stack. After data has been extracted from applications, then loaded and transformed in the warehouse, Sigma makes that data accessible to business users. This can be the most important point in proving the success of a data strategy, because it is when many users resort to extracts. Keep your data secure and governed in the modern stack and allow non SQL savvy users to ask detailed, ad hoc questions with Sigma.

A flow chart shows the process of data warehouse.

How easy is it to connect to my data source?

Sigma can connect to your data source in seconds. Additional features of write access and AWS Private Link can be set up with the assistance of an admin. There are additional configurations possible per each data source connection. For example, Snowflake connections allow additional user attributions such as Snowflake Role to provide row-level security using pre-existing warehouse settings.

Can I really deploy Sigma to thousands of employees at a time?

Sigma is enterprise-deployment proven. Sigma has been established in some of the most data security-focused organizations in the world. Unlike tools with on-premise deployment models, Sigma is always centrally managed, controlled, and governed. When a Sigma user builds a workbook with a wide audience application, production releases to viewerships in the thousands are both simple and secure.

Can I data model in Sigma?

Sigma can connect directly to pre-modeled tables in the warehouse without an additional layer abstraction. When users want to perform modeling within Sigma, they are covered. Sigma supports all types of joins, unions, and even spreadsheet-like lookups. Joins in Sigma Workbooks help to dramatize the results of traditional SQL code.

A computer screen displaying a list of numbers.

Ever wondered what came out of a Left Outer Join vs. an Inner Join? Modeling results are immediately available for data checks like “Column Details” that provide row count, null value counts, distinct values, and statistics.

A website with a column of numbers and the top number is src=

Does Sigma integrate with dbt?

Many modern data stack engineers work directly in their warehouse with dbt. Sigma does not require a redundant metadata layer on top of dbt, and Sigma can integrate with dbt to provide access to docs and metadata generated from dbt directly in Sigma.

Sigma users can also be reassured of the freshness of their data from the last point of dbt modification as well as if their tables contain dbt data tests.

A computer screen with a list of items on it.

Can I make pivot tables in Sigma? How is it better than my current workflow?

Sigma pivot tables sort, drill, calculate, and maintain accurate percent of totals up and down hierarchies. Conditional formatting adds clear performance indicator gradients. Where other spreadsheet tools become stale, overloaded, and disconnected, Sigma pivot tables stay enterprise-governed, live, and performant. Take a look at our Sigma pivot table QuickStarts guide here.

A table with a list of stocks and their corresponding values.

What spreadsheet functions does Sigma support?

Sigma supports a library of over 175+ spreadsheet functions. Aggregate, Date, Logical, Text, and even Pass-Through functions that can call custom user defined functions from the warehouse like “XIRR” are available. Scalar transformations of aggregations like
SUM() / SUM(), or SUM() / COUNT() are available for any combination via the Sigma function bar.

A blurry image of a computer screen with the words

Can I perform cross-level calculations in Sigma?

Sigma excels at making cross-level calculations easier than traditional BI tools. Percent of total calculations, Countifs, and Contains across multiple groupings can be learned without having to perfect cumbersome “Level of Detail” syntax or DAX statements.

A table of data showing the sales of different regions.

What does “Drill Anywhere” mean?

“Drill Anywhere” describes the ability for Sigma users to navigate into deeper levels of analysis by simply right clicking a visualization and selecting a dimension—without a defined path prebuilt for them.

A net new visualization built on a higher level of aggregation—like Sales Region—can immediately be taken to a lower level of analysis available—like Product Type. All of this happens without additional lift from an Analytics team.

A list of product names and numbers.

This is especially useful for embedded workbooks where varied end users may have unexpected follow up questions. Build one flexible workbook rather than maintain many underutilized unique dashboards.

How can I work with my team so we do not overwrite each other's changes?

Sigma workbooks are collaborative with a built-in “Edit, Draft, and Publish” component. That means multiple users can edit the same workbook live. This multi-user live edit capability allows users to work seamlessly with version control. Never have to merge BI content from multiple users again!

Plus, Version History shows all of the granular changes made to each pending draft of a workbook. See who did exactly what within a workbook before publishing for a wider audience.

I have my own data to bring into Sigma. How does that work? 

Sigma will never hold or persist any of your data. Sigma instead facilitates write back to cloud data platforms that allow users to “Bring their own data.” Sigma input tables allow end users to bring last-minute data sets and input variables into defined warehouse writeback schemas so that they can get their final answer working alongside governed data.

I want to add my own data alongside existing tables. Is that possible?

In addition to input tables, Sigma features “linked input tables.” These optional writeback columns allow Sigma users to add their own cell level data alongside existing tables. Work on top of governed tables and add data or select from dropdowns to create business user-friendly workflows, all while keeping underlying tables secure and unaltered. 

How are Sigma Lookups different from lookups in spreadsheets?

Sigma Lookups work just like lookups in spreadsheets. The difference is Sigma takes the spreadsheet lookup workflow and translates it to machine-generated SQL that executes live against the warehouse. This is how Sigma can perform a lookup on a billion row table.

Does Sigma provide any pre-built templates? What kind of templates will help monitor Warehouse Compute cost?

Sigma templates are prebuilt workbooks that come free with every Sigma instance. They launch in seconds on top of commonly available warehouse tables, like Salesforce, Account or Opportunity.

Snowflake Compute, Reader Cost, and Contract Monitoring are just a few examples of live workbooks to start from. Templates are completely customizable for additional calculations, tables, and visualizations.

Create your own templates for your organization from “Quarterly Business Review” templates to dynamic “Period Over Period” analysis.

Does Sigma support SSO, SCIM, and OAuth?

Absolutely. Sigma can integrate with your existing SAML 2.0 Identity Provider and provide centralized management of users and teams via SCIM and OAuth. Deploying potentially for your entire organization is lightweight and secure.

What visualizations are available?

Sigma features 12+ Visualization types out of the box that are highly configurable with data labels, trend lines, tooltips, reference marks, and more.

Sigma also supports visualization plugins. Anything from custom Word Clouds, Spider Charts, Tree Charts, even Narrative Language capability can be added to a Sigma workbook and scale with governed warehouse tables and input tables.

Can I schedule reports with Sigma?

Sigma can schedule exports to Email, Slack, Google Sheets, Google Drive, Cloud Storage, and API Endpoints via Webhook. Exports can be run with the permissions and data access of the recipient. Schedules can be set according to multiple times a day or triggered off threshold conditions in the data. Sigma admins can monitor scheduled exports across all users via usage dashboards.

How does embedding work with Sigma?

Workbook embedding allows you to display your workbooks and data elements in other internal or external-facing applications. Embedded content updates in real time, in response to data updates in your warehouse. Sigma embeds via iFrame where full workbook functionality such as “Drill Anywhere,” “Ad hoc Calculations,” and “Save As” can be extended or restricted on a per user basis. Even business user-friendly JSON parsing is possible within the embedded experience.

Embed one workbook with the full Sigma experience, and allow end users to create endless variations for their own purposes. Take a look at our Embedding Sigma QuickStart for more detail.

Explain Sigma Licensing

Sigma licensing is simple. There is a yearly SaaS platform fee and a single seat-based license for users that want to create workbooks and explore. Sigma workbook viewers and report recipients are free.

Where do I learn more?

Sigma QuickStarts
Sigma Hands on Lab

Let’s Sigma together! Schedule a demo today.