How to Improve Your Team's Data Maturity with Sigma

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Sigma can work with you to optimize how your business leverages data, regardless of where you are in your data maturity journey. 

How should we be thinking about our business’s data maturity?

Improving your team's data maturity typically involves several key steps:

  1. Define your data strategy
  2. Assess your current state
  3. Identify gaps
  4. Develop a plan
  5. Provide training and support
  6. Implement the plan

What is involved in each step?

Define your data strategy: 

It's essential to define a data strategy that aligns with your organization's goals and objectives. This strategy should include a clear roadmap for how your team will collect, analyze, and use data to drive business value.

Assess your current state: 

Conduct an assessment of your team's current data maturity level. This assessment should evaluate your team's data skills, processes, and technology.

Identify gaps:

Once you have a clear understanding of your team's current state, identify the gaps between your team's current state and your desired future state. This will help you prioritize the areas where you need to focus your efforts to improve your team's data maturity.

Develop a plan:

Develop a detailed plan that outlines the steps you need to take to improve your team's data maturity. This plan should include a timeline, milestones, and metrics for success.

Provide training and support:

Provide your team with the training and support they need to develop the necessary data skills. This might include training in data analysis, visualization, and programming languages such as Python and R.

Implement the plan: 

Implement your plan, making sure to track your progress and adjust your approach as needed.

Monitor and measure: 

Finally, monitor and measure your team's progress over time. This will help you identify areas where you need to make further improvements and ensure that you are achieving the desired results.

How Does Sigma Help?

Define your data strategy: 

We often engage customers during their migration to the cloud. At this time, considering how business users will consume and interact with data is one of the core considerations. We can bring our knowledge of this migration process, having worked with many other customers on the same path. 

Sigma is ready to help ease the migration by enabling users to work with an interface they are already familiar with: spreadsheets. Additionally, Sigma is able to support the data volume that typically exists (or is expected to exist) in the cloud. 

Assess your current state: 

Sigma’s modern interface can accelerate your team’s knowledge of the data and how it can be used to create insights. With an evaluation of the current state using Sigma, you can quickly identify what is being used and what is not quite right from the business perspective. 

For example, content creators can use Sigma to visually see how data flows from source to target. This can help them understand why certain information is incorrect based on their understanding of the business.

A diagram shows the data sources and data sets used in a project.

Identify gaps:

Sigma allows users to explore data unconstrained so that they can get the insights they need. Legacy systems require extensive data modeling and predefined paths users must follow when drilling down into data. This creates development cycles that are time and resource-intensive, which slows you down. Sigma takes off the handcuffs for business users, while also maintaining security and governance policies. 

Develop a plan:

Sigma can help here in a big way. We have run many successful “Proof of Value” exercises with customers. We work with you in a shared environment, against your data, and ensure that business users are engaged. That means when finished, your team already knows how to work with Sigma on day one. Proof of Value is a critical step to ensure 100% success with your implementation. Our modern, cloud-only architecture lets you start right away and finish as quickly as possible.

Provide training and support:

Training with Sigma is very light because we use a browser and spreadsheet-like interface that users are already familiar with. However, Sigma is deep too, and we have unparalleled support that is built right into the interface. You can even get Live support directly from your Sigma homepage.

A sales performance dashboard is displayed on a computer screen.

Implement the plan: 

Going live with Sigma is a breeze. There are no servers to provision and nothing to install. Setting up a connection to your cloud data warehouse takes less than five minutes. We even support Single-Sign-On so your users can just login and start working. 

Sigma also provides extensive detail on both activities in Sigma as well as cloud spend. It’s critical to know what is being used, by who, how often, and how much it costs the business. For example, Sigma has a templated Workbook that you can just connect to your data and use for Snowflake:

billing summary

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Where can I learn more about Sigma features and use cases?

Our online documentation is a great way to get high-level information on product features along with as much fine detail as you want.

Sigma QuickStarts provide “step-by-step” guides to using Sigma, exploring specific features and use-cases.